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The Advantages of a Knowledge Base for Your Business

  In an era of instant gratification, short attention spans, and widespread impatience, woe betide any business that leaves their customer frustrated when they need information. Indeed, some modern consumers are just as likely to take to social media to complain about your product as they are to wait for a response from a customer service or live chat rep. So, how are businesses meant to respond to the problem of rising customer expectations? The best way is to listen to what customers want.  A recent Q&A with Michael Rendelman , a senior specialist at Gartner’s Customer Service & Support division, suggests this might be a generational thing. Rendelman shared that 38% of Millennials or Gen Z consumers would give up on resolving an issue if there were no self-service option.  However, as Rendleman highlights, the scariest part is what happens after. If they can’t find a self-service option, around half of Millennials and Gen Z consumers say they would not buy from the company an

What Are the Best Tools for Creating a Knowledge Base

  Picture the scene: You’re in the flow of using a new product, and suddenly you hit a roadblock. You know the tool can do what you need it to do, you just don’t know how to do it. You could fire off an email to customer services or wait in line to chat with a customer service representative. Or, you can try to solve the problem yourself. Image by freepik Customer self-service software is built to solve these issues. A knowledge base is one of the core elements of a flexible omnichannel approach to customer success.  But how can you decide what tool to use to build a knowledge base that will help your users? First, you need to consider the features and functions that make for a quality knowledge base tool. What should you look for in a knowledge base creation tool? Before we share some of the best customer self-service software for building your knowledge base, we need to consider what makes a great knowledge base creation tool.  No-code capabilities Knowledge base creation should be

Top 10 Tips for Building a Knowledge Base

  A well-organized and consistently updated knowledge base offers lots of great benefits for your product and your customers. But how can you unlock these perks?  Read our guide for all the tips and tricks you need to build an effective knowledge base portal so you can push your customer self-service to the next level. Understanding the value of a knowledge base portal The way that customers engage with products has changed a lot in the last decade. Research from the CX Network showed that when it comes to a choice between a phone call, a store visit, or digital channels, two out of three customers prefer to solve issues via digital channels.  These figures are set to increase as younger internet-native generations make up a larger share of customers. However, digital channels are an umbrella term that describes a wide array of communication options, from email to self-service portals, blogs, FAQs, chatbots, and, of course, knowledge-base portals. The good news for business owners is t