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How to Tackle the 5 Most Common Challenges Facing Marketing Professionals Today

  In an excellent e27 article last year, writer Alfonso Manalastas shared his take on the 5 common challenges marketing professionals face today . Manalastas focused on how AI has transformed marketing and advertising in recent years. However, the rate of change has been so rapid that many marketing professionals are struggling to catch their breath.  So, how can you overcome these issues and unlock the transformation benefits of marketing technology?  Let’s examine the five most common challenges facing marketing professionals today and discuss how you can solve them with the right approach and technologies. Image by freepik Challenge #1. Adapting to the ever-changing market Marketing is one of the fastest-evolving disciplines in the world of work. In the last decade, MarTech has exploded in sophistication. For example, AI and ML-powered technology have increased marketing personalization, predictive analytic tools have driven data-driven decisions, and automation has allowed teams to

Metrics That Are Better Than NPS?

  Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a deceptively powerful and widely used metric for measuring customer loyalty and satisfaction. It works because it asks one simple question: On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our product to a friend or colleague? From there, respondents are split into one of three groups, which are: Promoters (9-10): Loyal, enthusiastic advocates for your product. Passives (7-8): Users who are happy enough but could switch to a rival product under the right circumstances.  Detractors (0-6): Unsatisfied customers who are more likely to complain to friends or social media about your product. Once you have counted your responses, you get your NPS score by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters.  However, not everyone loves the NPS score. Here are a few of the weaknesses associated with the customer loyalty metric. It’s too simple to capture the true complexity of customer sentiment. People who respond to NPS surveys m