How it works?
It's simple!
- Write an honest review of Usetiful
- Get in touch with us and let us know about the review
- We upgrade your service for 3 months free
Q: After the free 3 months, can I downgrade back?
A: There is no commitment, you can downgrade or even cancel the service anytime.
Q: What should I write in the review?
A: Be honest! You can share, for example, your experience with Usetiful, the problems you were solving using Usetiful, the improvements we could do.
Q: How can I get experience with Usetiful to write a review in the first place?
A: We offer free forever tier, also a time-limited trials of premium tiers. Feel free to choose what fits best!
Q: Can I choose another public review service?
A: Feel free to get in touch and we will share with you all the viable alternatives.
Any further questions? Let us know!