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Showing posts from September, 2021

6 MORE ways to reduce user churn

Previously in our blog, we discussed 5 ways to reduce user churn. But it doesn't end there. We have more tips to share based on our own and our client's experience, as well as the industry expertise we have accumulated through our time in the customer engagement industry.  Those tips are great ways to ensure more long-term success for your product. #1 Provide Useful and Helpful Content While it's well known that producing valuable content can help with user acquisition and SEO, it's not its only tangible benefit. Helpful content also enables current users to get more from your service and reduces the churn rate.  Emails, blog posts, and newsletters are excellent ways to demonstrate the value of your product and the full possibilities it offers. Even for current users and subscribers, this content presents ways to engage with your product when they are not using it. For example, an article that describes five underutilized functions of an app can motivate current users t...

5 ways to reduce user churn

User churn rates can make the difference between the success and failure of an app, product, or subscription-based service. Much time and focus are spent on acquiring customers, but all that hard work could be in vain if you are constantly leaking customers. One excellent solution is to invest in user onboarding. This process helps reduce user churn significantly, which dramatically impacts the profitability of any digital SaaS business. Below, we'll take a look at 10 ways to reduce user churn so that you can improve the health of your business. What is User Churn? Before telling you how you can reduce your user churn rate, let's define what it is. User churn rate definition can be different according to the specific context of a business, but for this example, we’ll describe a definition that most makes sense to us and will make sense to a lot of SaaS businesses. User churn rate is the percentage of the customers that were lost from the number of customers that were obtained w...
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