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Showing posts with the label employee onboarding

The Ultimate Guide to Usetiful Extension

Employee onboarding has never been more critical. Acquiring top talent is costly and time-consuming. So when you find suitable new hires, you must ensure that you give them the best chance of becoming valuable contributors.  However, despite research showing how essential a good employee onboarding experience is to retention, reputation, productivity, and even revenue, too many firms are asleep at the wheel. In fact, around three-quarters of HR executives think their employers don't do enough to ensure effective onboarding. Employee onboarding software was built to tackle these issues. One of the most important pillars of employee onboarding is showing your team how to get the most from their digital tools. This process can include things like interactive product tours, onboarding checklists, and subtle tooltips to help them get familiar with your entire software stack. The Usetiful Extension is a powerful tool to help you unlock better onboarding experiences. The plugin supports

How DAP & LMS Work Together to Improve Employee Experience and L&D

  Learning and development is a big deal. Get it right, and you can increase employee retention, engagement, and overall productivity. But what's the best way to get these critical learning materials in front of your employees? Digital adoption platforms (DAPs) and learning management systems (LMSs) are two popular software solutions for employee learning and development. But Instead of using one the other, forward-thinking teams are using them together because they're a match made in heaven. Let's explore how to pair up these products for a next-level digital employee experience. Image by pressfoto on Freepik What do LMS and DAPs do? LMS and DAPs are both employee onboarding tools. For the sake of clarity, let's look at  each one in a little more detail. What is an LMS? LMS stands for Learning Management System. They are also known as Learning Experience Systems. Businesses worldwide use LMSs to onboard new hires and teach various skills they use for the job. However,

8 Best Ways to Use a DAP in Employee Training

  Digital adoption platforms (DAPs) like Usetiful are well-known as effective methods for onboarding users and employees to new software. However, you can also use them for employee training and support. Let's explore the best ways to use a DAP in employee training. Image by diana.grytsku on Freepik Differences between employee training and onboarding Before we look at the best practices for using a digital adoption solution for employee training, we need to define some terms. Employee training and onboarding have plenty of crossovers. However, they are different things.  Employee onboarding: Onboarding happens over the short term. It involves a set of steps to help a new hire bed in. Typically, it involves things like: Registering with HR Signing employment paperwork Learning company policies Setting up accounts and logins Meeting the team Learning how to use work tools Many forward-thinking companies use a digital adoption platform for some of these steps. In particular, these