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Showing posts with the label reduce user churn

5 ways to reduce user churn

User churn rates can make the difference between the success and failure of an app, product, or subscription-based service. Much time and focus are spent on acquiring customers, but all that hard work could be in vain if you are constantly leaking customers. One excellent solution is to invest in user onboarding. This process helps reduce user churn significantly, which dramatically impacts the profitability of any digital SaaS business. Below, we'll take a look at 10 ways to reduce user churn so that you can improve the health of your business. What is User Churn? Before telling you how you can reduce your user churn rate, let's define what it is. User churn rate definition can be different according to the specific context of a business, but for this example, we’ll describe a definition that most makes sense to us and will make sense to a lot of SaaS businesses. User churn rate is the percentage of the customers that were lost from the number of customers that were obtained w

5 Tips on Reducing the Customer Churn Rate with an Effective Onboarding Process

  Reducing customer churn rate is one of the top concerns among software, mobile app, or subscription-based business owners. In fact, a recent study shows that most software solutions’ customer retention rate goes down to around 3% after 30 days post-installation. Often, these drops happen as soon as the free trial or demo expires. To reduce customer churn rate, you should consider reviewing your user onboarding process. This process is crucial in leaving a great impression on your customers. Nailing it could increase their overall satisfaction and encourage them to commit to your product for the long-term. With that, here are some tips on how to reduce churn rates with an effective customer onboarding process. 1. Make help easy to find and access First-time users may have a hard time navigating through your app’s interface. Therefore, you must make sure they can easily find and access help upon logging into your software. You can have a pop up at the start asking if they want a sho