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How to Create an Interactive Product Demo with Usetiful

  The way that software is bought and sold has changed dramatically over the years. In the past, it was all about sitting down with the CEO or CTO and showing the potential impact on the business. These days, products need to speak to the actual software users. This development has changed the sales game significantly. An interactive product demo is ideal for this new era of software sales. For starters, they help you scale your outreach by providing automated sales demos wherever and whenever they’re needed. However, the most significant benefit is that the best way to market a great product is by letting your user see it in action.  Interactive demo software like Usetiful helps you unlock these benefits by providing a no-code, step-by-step interface that allows you to build powerful interactive sales demos. What’s more, Usetiful also lets you go one further by customizing your demos around the individual user.  But how do you do it? How can you build the self-serve demos that your pr

6 Steps of Building a Knowledge Base for SaaS

  Customer self-service is an ever-growing trend for SaaS products. In-app guidance and chatbots are a central part of offering customers a way to resolve issues on their own time. However, a knowledge base portal helps you go the extra mile by providing help, troubleshooting, how-to articles, and more. A good knowledge base has a lot of benefits, such as: Increased user retention Improved SEO Fewer support tickets Better customer satisfaction While the benefits are well understood, many businesses don’t know where to start unlocking them. Thankfully, customer onboarding self-service software like Usetiful is here to help. Here’s how you can build a knowledge base for your SaaS product in six simple steps. Image by benzoix on Freepik #1. Research and planning All projects need to have a clear goal right from the outset. Building a knowledge base portal is no different. So, the first thing you need to do is identify the needs and goals behind your knowledge base project.  Here’s a quick