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Smart Tips - quick and simple solution for customer self-service

Complex processes or input forms can represent a challenge for even properly onboarded users. This is especially sensitive with long processes, where user decisions or inputs made at the beginning have an impact on the next steps.

Smart Tips

Smart Tips are advanced tooltips that can add further instruction to important or confusing elements of your process. You can also use them to notify a user contextually about change in a feature.

Example: Tooltip in action

The power of Smart Tips lies in their cost/effect ratio - they do a great job, while the implementation is quick and they require minimal maintenance. Just place a tooltip on a select element of your page, and it's done!

Smart Tips can work independently or in combination with Product Tours. They are ideal for addressing issues in input forms - your user can continue working uninterrupted, you can rely on the quality of the submitted data and your customer self-service rate increases. Win-win!

Example: Tooltip use on Facebook

Why Smart Tips by Usetiful?

You can find free plugins allowing you to create tooltips in your application. Great examples include ProTip or TippedJS.

With Usetiful, you can create free tooltips with no-code. The visual tooltip builder allows you to deliver flexible tips without coding. On top of that, Usetiful represents a complete solution for your Customer Self-Service, providing you with product tours, onboarding checklists and much more!

Example: Tooltip builder in Usetiful

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