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Showing posts with the label Creating tours

The Ultimate Guide to Usetiful Extension

Employee onboarding has never been more critical. Acquiring top talent is costly and time-consuming. So when you find suitable new hires, you must ensure that you give them the best chance of becoming valuable contributors.  However, despite research showing how essential a good employee onboarding experience is to retention, reputation, productivity, and even revenue, too many firms are asleep at the wheel. In fact, around three-quarters of HR executives think their employers don't do enough to ensure effective onboarding. Employee onboarding software was built to tackle these issues. One of the most important pillars of employee onboarding is showing your team how to get the most from their digital tools. This process can include things like interactive product tours, onboarding checklists, and subtle tooltips to help them get familiar with your entire software stack. The Usetiful Extension is a powerful tool to help you unlock better onboarding experiences. The plugin supports

Recreating Slack User Onboarding for Your SaaS

  Slack user onboarding is a great example of solid digital adoption practice. The instant messaging app got its user onboarding experience so right that other products and services should sit up and take notice. Image by master1305 on Freepik In this article, we'll use Slack user onboarding to share: User onboarding best practices What Slack got right What Slack got wrong How you can use these lessons to improve your user onboarding How user onboarding tools like Usetiful can help you recreate the Slack onboarding experience. Why Slack is an excellent lesson for developers Slack is a product that was never meant to be a product. The company Tiny Speck was developing a video game when it built Slack to solve its internal communication issues.  Instead of team communication and knowledge sharing happening over email and various other channels, Slack allowed teams to centralize their communications. Soon, copies of Slack spread around. People experienced its value immediately, and it