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9 Ways to Know if Your Employee Software Training Needs a DAP

 Employee software training is essential for teams that want to drive productivity, adopt new technology, and get an ROI from software spending. Thankfully, there are lots of great HR employee onboarding solutions out there to help you streamline and automate the integration of new hires into your organization. 

HR employee onboarding software is great for collecting documents, feedback and evaluation, and staying on top of new hire progress. However, the employee training elements of the software are too often a minor add-on or afterthought. When you need truly effective employee training, you need a dedicated digital adoption platform (DAP).

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Here are eight sure signs that you need a digital adoption platform for your employee software training.

#1. You have a big software stack

Big software stacks are the norm nowadays. As workflows have grown in both scope and complexity, businesses are using dozens of different tools to drive productivity. When new employees join your company, learning all these different tools can be overwhelming.

A digital adoption platform (DAP) can ensure that your users hit the ground running and become proficient in all the tools they need for the job. Instead of requiring time-consuming one-to-one training, a DAP can help new hires learn and master tools on demand. 

By using product tours, tooltips, and contextual help, new hires can learn to adopt software as they are using it. What’s more, you can personalize training to ensure that new hires are served onboarding content relevant to their role and how they will use your particular software stack.

#2. You're spending a lot of money on software training

Employee training costs time and money. These investments can pay for themselves if employees become productive members of your team, but only if the training is effective. Unfortunately, a lot of traditional thinking about how employees learn is outdated. People don’t want to read long textbooks or watch PowerPoint presentations. Instead, they learn by doing.

So, if you find yourself plowing your budget into training videos or materials that become outdated quite quickly, then you should consider a digital adoption platform. Usetiful has a user-friendly, no-code step editor that allows you to keep your employee training fresh and current at a fraction of the cost of traditional training.

The best part is your training content is available on demand. Your new hires or existing employees can go back over it whenever they want because it’s all available in their app or through the browser. A more cost-effective and a better employee experience. What’s not to love?

#3. You need a better ROI on software spending

Economies across the world are either growing very slowly or in recession. Companies are trying to make cuts wherever they can. If you want to justify your software spending, you need to be able to convince the boardroom that it can bring ROI.

A digital adoption platform helps ensure your employees get the most from their software tools. It ensures they have guidance at their fingertips to ensure proficiency and maximum value. 

If you find yourself regulatory battling the C-suite to justify a new tool that will make your business more efficient, you need to be able to show how your employees can adopt new software quickly and comprehensively. A DAP helps you get the most from each tool and increase ROI.

#4. You have high employee turnover rates

High employee turnover rates are a symptom of lots of things, both big and small. HR teams know this, which is why digital employee onboarding solutions have become popular. 

One thing that helps with employee retention is when your workers know how to use their tools. Employee training software can help here, but a digital adoption platform can go even further by driving employee engagement and satisfaction.

A digital adoption solution like Usetiful can help you deliver personalized and dynamic training. It also helps you promote a culture of learning and development, which is a key factor in retaining top talent.

What’s more, you can also use a DAP to motivate and celebrate employee accomplishments and milestones by using in-app banners for company-wide announcements. These small messages can create a culture of excellence and foster a sense of belonging and gratitude that ensures employees feel connected to your company’s development and success.

#5. Your workforce has skills gaps 

Hiring the right people for the job has grown difficult in recent years. Remote work has opened the marketplace, and many great candidates are scooped up before you can call them for an interview. The other thing to consider is that digital transformation has happened so quickly that educational institutions have struggled to keep up and churn out qualified candidates.

The downstream consequences of all these situations are that many businesses operate with skills gaps. These gaps in specific competencies are often most severe in organizations with a blend of new hires and more senior staff. Resolving these skill deficiencies isn’t easy. However, you can bridge the gap with a digital adoption platform that augments formal training and support from senior workers. 

Asking new hires or elder management to stretch themselves to learn new skills is a big ask. A DAP offers an additional way for teams to add to their repertoire and develop the competencies they need to excel at the job.

#6. Your employee engagement is low

Employee engagement is another massive part of retention. However, it also affects workplace morale and productivity. Effect digital employee onboarding allows you to get off on the right foot. 

Four in five employees say that well-structured and relevant training would boost their engagement. Training is a long-term process, and digital adoption platforms help your current team learn, develop, and add new skills that keep their job fresh.

Again, a digital adoption solution like Usetiful can help here by delivering personalized training and on-demand support. With the right approach, your team can easily learn and develop the software skills they need to achieve their goals and connect with a sense of purpose within your organization.

#7. You have a remote workforce

Remote working is here to stay. It helps businesses become more competitive because it widens the talent market they can draw from. But, more importantly, employees really like working from home, and the benefit can be a significant deciding factor when you’re competing for new hires.

Of course, there are a few notable downsides. A lack of true face-to-face interactions can make it hard for your new employees to fit within your culture. On top of that, when new hires are out of sight, they can be out of mind. 

A digital employee onboarding solution helps support remote workers. When augmented with a DAP, you can deliver learning and development that helps them reduce their time to productivity (TTP) via fast-paced learning and in-app guidance. 

Learning management systems (LMS) have become a popular solution for remote teams over recent years. When paired with a digital adoption solution, you can supercharge your onboarding.

#8. Your software is regularly updated

Software development lifecycles are quick these days. While updates used to happen once or twice a year, now new features and functions are introduced monthly. Helping your staff stay on top of these new additions is easy when they’re minor. However, with larger software stacks, you could have to deal with multiple major changes per month.

A digital adoption platform helps you react to regular updates straightaway. That means your team can learn and take advantage of new features quickly and drive productivity. Again, it’s about providing access to fast-paced, in-app training that allows your new hires to build competence, confidence, and proficiency with their work tools.

#9. Your business processes are inconsistent

While everyone has their own style, if you notice that your staff execute the same business process in wildly different ways, it could be a sign that your training is ineffective. Not all methods are equal, and a rash of unorthodox approaches could signal that your employees need additional learning and development. 

You can use a DAP to build product walkthroughs tailored to achieving specific goals or tasks. By building a step-by-step guide you can show teams the most efficient way to use software tools and boost your productivity into the bargain.

Final thoughts

Digital employee onboarding is excellent for helping new hires hit the ground running. However, most of these applications fall short in the training department. Augmenting your onboarding software with a digital adoption tool like Usetiful helps you get the most from your software investments.

Using a mix of tooltips, hotspot beacons, checklists, and product tours, you can build onboarding material that engages your employees by allowing them to learn by doing.


Usetiful also allows you to collect data on employee training. This data is invaluable feedback to help you improve your onboarding material, as well as ensure you stay on top of where each employee is on their onboarding journey. 

So, watch out for any of these signs within your organization. If you see one or more, it could be time to learn what Usetiful can do to boost your employee software training. Start for free today.

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