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Showing posts with the label customer success

Do you really know the benefits of a great onboarding?

First impressions count in life — and in SaaS onboarding. When users initially sit down with your product, you want them to feel comfortable using it. If they don't, they might walk away and never turn back. This problem is made more complicated because users have a lot of choices these days. If your product isn't easy to use, they'll find one that is. Bad user onboarding can cause customer churn, hurt revenues, and increase customer acquisition costs (CAC).  Some software is so simple that a toddler could intuitively figure out how to use it. However, a lot of SaaS tools have complex features and functions. So how can you ensure that users are comfortable with your product straight away? The answer is simple: use a no-code user onboarding tool like Usetiful. Good user onboarding drives retention Users download products because they have a need or problem. If your product adequately solves their issue, they'll probably keep using it. User retention is an essential metri

Customer Relationship Management (CRM): What is it and why you need it

CRM Meaning Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, is a way for companies to manage their interactions with customers. Any method that uses data to improve interactions during each stage of the customer journey can be considered CRM. Yet, for many, CRM is about the software that manages these relationships. What Is CRM Software? CRM Software is a tool or collection of tools that collect and store customer data. This software is then used to analyze and manage these details to help companies deliver better results. What Are the CRM Benefits? CRM software exists to collate and analyze customer data. From here, organizations can use this information to create insights into customer behavior. The different roles in a business’s CRM define which data will be helpful at each stage of the customer journey. Additionally, each department will benefit in different ways. Marketing Teams By understanding their customers' needs, profiles, and demographics, marketing teams can create more